1 | 6th Down |
2 | Perfect 4th Down |
3 | 3rd Down |
4 | 3rd Up |
5 | Perfect 4th Up |
6 | Perfect 5th Up |
7 | 6th Up |
8 | 7th Up |
9 | 3rd Up + 7th Up |
10 | 3rd Up + 7th Up |
11 | Perfect 5th Up + Octave Up |
These sound so cool that we’ve included them as extra options for the multi-harmony parts (selections 9, 10 and 11) to give you even more choices:
9 optional | 4th Down + 3rd Up |
10 optional | 3rd Up + 6th Up |
11 optional | Octave Down + 5th Up |
9 optional | 6th Down + 4th Down |
10 optional | 3rd Down + 3rd Up |
11 optional | Octave Down + 4th Down |
The Intelligent Harmony Machine also performs perfect polyphonic pitch shifts so the pitch shifts you dial up are applied to chords as well as single notes. We’ve even included a Major/Minor switch so you can select whether 2nds and 3rds will be major or minor. Here are the interval selections that are available:
1 | Doubler |
2 | Perfect 4th Down |
3 | 3rd Down (minor on major) |
4 | 3rd Up (minor or major) |
5 | Perfect 4th Up |
6 | Perfect 5th Up |
7 | 2nd Down (minor or major) |
8 | 2nd Up (minor or major) |
9 | Octave Down |
10 | Octave Up |
11 | Perfect 5th Up + Octave Up |
The Intelligent Harmony Machine’s Moment Mode lets you instantly change pitch by simply depressing the pedal’s footswitch. The pitch shift is engaged as long as you hold down the F/S. There’s also an option so you can apply a user-set sweep time between dry and effect. Choose instant pitch changes or control the time it takes for the Intelligent Harmony Machine to sweep up and down between the set interval and the dry signal!
*Diatonic harmony means notes within a specific key that relate to each other.